Monday, 28 October 2013

Posed creature and City wips

Posed Creature with reference and previous muscled version

City wip 1

City wip 2

City wip 3

City wip 4 -current version
The first creature is a posed skinned version of the creature I have been developing for this module. I wanted to pose the creature in the gorilla like pose shown as I feel it best represents a creature that is elegant and strong.

The set of environment pictures above are my initial city design. I started with the drawing I did during a lesson, mixed with a textured surface which I created using different sections of pictures I had done in the lesson, I used various layer modes to get the different effects.

Once I had an idea of what direction I wanted to take with the city I started trying to refine the shapes into recognisable architecture with perspective. From this point on I believe its just further refinement of the painting as the main elements are all in place.

I also wish to try and bring back some of the abstract textures as I believe it will make the picture more organic and I am current verging on too refined a picture which is loosing the energy of the initial wips.

Edit: I spent a bit more time on the creature this morning, just fixing the proportions mostly. I think it still needs a bit of work on the rendering and position of the arms and back leg.

Here is my final version, I have widened the body to give the creature more balance

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